
Robert Kalfayan

CEO of K-Ventures FZE LLC


Robert Kalfayan's journey is a captivating narrative of an entrepreneur who refuses to be defined by a single path. Born in 1986 in Montreal, Canada, Kalfayan has explored a broad spectrum of interests. He started his career spinning records as a DJ after graduating from Concordia University. Eventually, his entrepreneurial instincts led him to the dynamic domain name market.


Identifying the tremendous potential of this burgeoning industry, which reached a remarkable $8 billion in transaction volumes by 2021, Kalfayan stepped into the domain name brokerage space. This industry is pivotal in providing businesses with unique and compelling URLs, their essential digital addresses. While he embraced the surge of new top-level domains such as .us, .io, and .xyz, Kalfayan acknowledged the enduring demand for .com. His affiliation with the Internet Commerce Association in 2016 affirmed his commitment to this industry.



Despite being naturally reserved, Kalfayan harbored a deep yearning to explore the globe. He answered this call 2017 when he relocated from Canada to Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In Dubai, Kalfayan established K-Ventures FZE LLC in 2021, a platform that allowed him to interact with clients from around the globe and manage an array of deals